Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I think my brain is melting

School is back in session and Labor Day looms so WHY IS IT SO HOT?? My brain seems to be a big puddle of mush slopping around in my head and it takes me forever to get anything accomplished. Even call air conditioning guys for estimates on replacing the systems. We've already had one quote that made me want to swallow my teeth, let's hope the others keep my teeth where they belong.

It's not so much the actual heat I mind. Heat makes my aching body feel better but I feel as if I'm walking about in a skin made entirely of sweat. As if that wasn't bad enough some of the stores keep their airconditioning so low that moments after I walk in in my sweat skin I become encased in ice. So I either drip or shiver.

I am so ready for winter. But first, there THE FARM!!! Again and my best farm friend and co-pig woman will be there as well. Now I just need to settle down and make us our pig earrings. Not earrings for the pigs though I do think it would give the 'girls' a sort of flair, but earrings usingh pig beads that Igot on vacation. a whole string of glass pig beads.

I have to really get a life.

1 comment:

Goblin Anne said...

You have a life and it is very cool, to the rest of us.....

And, remember, after the Great Flood....the one that required the Arc....we were promised that water would never again destroy us, but that Fire would consume the Earth. Maybe the recent Summers are a clue....